例句 1:
In B.C. 37, the power of the Roman Empire was expanding.
例句 2:
The king died in B.C. 37, significantly affecting the political situation at the time.
例句 3:
Many ancient civilization records mention events from B.C. 37.
這種用法與 B.C. 37 相同,指的是公元前37年。在歷史學的研究中,這種表達方式常用於簡化年份的書寫。
例句 1:
在37 B.C.,許多文化和政治事件發生了。
In 37 B.C., many cultural and political events took place.
例句 2:
37 B.C. 是古代歷史中一個重要的年份。
37 B.C. is an important year in ancient history.
例句 3:
這位著名的哲學家在37 B.C. 出生。
This famous philosopher was born in 37 B.C.
例句 1:
在Before Christ 37,社會結構發生了變化。
In Before Christ 37, social structures underwent changes.
例句 2:
這位將軍在Before Christ 37年發起了重要的戰役。
This general launched an important campaign in Before Christ 37.
例句 3:
許多歷史學家研究了Before Christ 37年的事件。
Many historians have studied the events of Before Christ 37.
例句 1:
37 years Before Christ,這個地區的文化發展迅速。
37 years Before Christ, the cultural development in this region was rapid.
例句 2:
許多事件在37 years Before Christ發生,對後世影響深遠。
Many events occurred 37 years Before Christ, having a profound impact on future generations.
例句 3:
在37 years Before Christ,這場戰爭改變了國家的命運。
In 37 years Before Christ, this war changed the fate of the nation.