例句 1:
In B.C. 390, the city of Rome was attacked by the Gauls.
例句 2:
Many significant events of ancient civilizations occurred in B.C. 390.
例句 3:
This battle took place in B.C. 390 and had a profound impact on history.
例句 1:
在390 B.C.,雅典的政治局勢非常緊張。
In 390 B.C., the political situation in Athens was very tense.
例句 2:
這位哲學家的著作在390 B.C.時期引起了廣泛關注。
The philosopher's works gained widespread attention in 390 B.C.
例句 3:
390 B.C.是許多古代文化發展的重要時期。
390 B.C. was an important period for the development of many ancient cultures.
例句 1:
在390 Before Christ的時期,許多文化正在興起。
During 390 Before Christ, many cultures were on the rise.
例句 2:
390 Before Christ的歷史事件對後來的發展有深遠影響。
The historical events of 390 Before Christ had a lasting impact on later developments.
例句 3:
390 Before Christ的考古發現為我們提供了寶貴的歷史資料。
The archaeological findings from 390 Before Christ provide valuable historical data.
例句 1:
390 Before Common Era的事件對古代社會的運作有重要啟示。
Events from 390 Before Common Era offer important insights into the functioning of ancient societies.
例句 2:
在390 Before Common Era,許多文明正在進行重大變革。
In 390 Before Common Era, many civilizations were undergoing significant transformations.
例句 3:
390 Before Common Era的文獻為研究古代歷史提供了重要資料。
Literature from 390 Before Common Era provides important materials for studying ancient history.