例句 1:
Before Christ 801, ancient civilizations had already developed significantly.
例句 2:
Many historical events can be traced back to Before Christ 801.
例句 3:
Archaeologists discovered significant artifacts from Before Christ 801.
這是一種簡化的表達方式,常用於歷史學和學術研究中,表示公元前801年。使用 B.C. 這個縮寫可以讓表達更加簡潔。
例句 1:
在 B.C. 801,許多文化正在形成中。
In B.C. 801, many cultures were forming.
例句 2:
這個地區的古代遺址可以追溯到 B.C. 801。
The ancient site in this area dates back to B.C. 801.
例句 3:
B.C. 801 年的事件對後來的歷史有深遠影響。
Events from B.C. 801 had a profound impact on later history.
例句 1:
801 B.C. 是許多古老文明的重要時期。
801 B.C. was a significant period for many ancient civilizations.
例句 2:
在801 B.C.,該地區的政治局勢非常複雜。
In 801 B.C., the political situation in the region was very complex.
例句 3:
考古學家在801 B.C.的遺址中發現了許多文物。
Archaeologists found many artifacts at the site from 801 B.C.
例句 1:
在801 Before Common Era,社會結構開始出現變化。
In 801 Before Common Era, social structures began to change.
例句 2:
801 Before Common Era的歷史研究揭示了許多未知的事實。
Research on history from 801 Before Common Era reveals many unknown facts.
例句 3:
這些文獻可以追溯到801 Before Common Era的時期。
These documents can be traced back to the period of 801 Before Common Era.