

「判別式」是數學中一個重要的概念,特別是在代數和數學分析中。它通常用來判斷一個多項式方程的根的性質,特別是在二次方程中。對於二次方程 ax^2 + bx + c = 0,判別式 D = b^2 - 4ac。根據判別式的值,可以判斷方程的根的數量和性質: 1. 如果 D > 0,則方程有兩個不同的實數根。 2. 如果 D = 0,則方程有一個重根(即兩個相同的實數根)。 3. 如果 D < 0,則方程沒有實數根,而是有兩個複數根。


  1. A formula used to find out how many solutions there are.
  2. A way to tell if a math problem has answers.
  3. A calculation that helps understand the roots of equations.
  4. A mathematical tool to determine the nature of solutions.
  5. A value used to analyze the roots of polynomial equations.
  6. A discriminating factor that indicates the nature of roots in quadratic equations.
  7. A mathematical expression that helps to classify the roots of a given polynomial.
  8. A criterion that provides insight into the number and type of solutions for quadratic equations.
  9. A crucial determinant in algebra that reveals the characteristics of the roots of a polynomial.
  10. A mathematical expression that helps ascertain the existence and type of roots in equations.




在數學中,特別是在代數裡,這個術語通常用來指代用於判斷多項式根特性的一個數值。它的主要功能是幫助解決二次方程,並提供根的數量和性質的信息。對於二次方程 ax^2 + bx + c = 0,判別式的計算公式是 D = b^2 - 4ac。根據計算的結果,數學家和學生可以得知該方程式的根的性質。


例句 1:


Calculate the discriminant of this equation to determine how many real roots it has.

例句 2:


If the discriminant is negative, then this equation has no real solutions.

例句 3:


Learning how to calculate the discriminant is key to understanding quadratic equations.