例句 1:
In B.C. 685, certain ancient civilizations began to rise.
例句 2:
This battle took place in B.C. 685.
例句 3:
Many historical events can be traced back to B.C. 685.
例句 1:
685 B.C. 是許多古代文化的重要時期。
685 B.C. was an important period for many ancient cultures.
例句 2:
許多考古發現與685 B.C.的事件有關。
Many archaeological findings are related to events from 685 B.C.
例句 3:
在685 B.C.,有許多重要的歷史人物出現。
In 685 B.C., many significant historical figures emerged.
例句 1:
在Before Christ 685的時期,社會結構有了顯著變化。
During Before Christ 685, there were significant changes in social structures.
例句 2:
許多文獻都提到Before Christ 685的重大事件。
Many documents reference major events from Before Christ 685.
例句 3:
學者們對Before Christ 685的研究持續進行。
Scholars continue to study the events of Before Christ 685.
例句 1:
685 Before Common Era是古代歷史中的一個重要年份。
685 Before Common Era is a significant year in ancient history.
例句 2:
在685 Before Common Era,許多文化都在發展中。
In 685 Before Common Era, many cultures were developing.
例句 3:
685 Before Common Era的事件影響了後來的歷史。
The events of 685 Before Common Era influenced later history.