例句 1:
The height of this tree is about thirteen point one meters.
例句 2:
We need a steel bar that is thirteen point one meters long.
例句 3:
The length of this bridge is thirteen point one meters.
例句 1:
這條管道的長度是 13.1 meters。
The length of this pipe is 13.1 meters.
例句 2:
他們在設計中使用了 13.1 meters 的標準尺寸。
They used a standard dimension of 13.1 meters in the design.
例句 3:
這個游泳池的長度為 13.1 meters。
The length of this swimming pool is 13.1 meters.
例句 1:
這個房間的面積是 13.1 m x 5 m。
The area of this room is 13.1 m x 5 m.
例句 2:
他們的實驗設備需要 13.1 m 的空間。
Their experimental setup requires 13.1 m of space.
例句 3:
這條繩子的長度是 13.1 m。
The length of this rope is 13.1 m.