例句 1:
The International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme aims to cultivate students' global awareness.
例句 2:
Many schools offer the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme to help students develop holistically.
例句 3:
This programme emphasizes inquiry-based learning, allowing students to learn in real-world contexts.
IB PYP 是國際文憑小學項目的簡稱,這是一個全球認可的教育計畫,專為小學生設計,旨在促進他們的全面發展。這個計畫鼓勵學生在學習中探索和發現,並且培養他們的社會責任感。
例句 1:
IB PYP 讓學生在多元文化的環境中學習和成長。
The IB PYP allows students to learn and grow in a multicultural environment.
例句 2:
參加 IB PYP 的學生通常會展現出更強的批判性思維能力。
Students participating in the IB PYP often demonstrate stronger critical thinking skills.
例句 3:
This programme encourages students to ask questions and seek answers.
PYP 是國際文憑小學項目的縮寫,這個教育計畫專注於小學階段的學習,強調探究、實踐和反思。它不僅關注學術成就,還重視學生的社交和情感發展。
例句 1:
PYP 旨在幫助學生建立終身學習的習慣。
The PYP aims to help students develop habits of lifelong learning.
例句 2:
在 PYP 課程中,學生被鼓勵進行跨學科的學習。
In the PYP curriculum, students are encouraged to engage in interdisciplinary learning.
例句 3:
This programme values student engagement and self-directed learning.
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Primary Years Programme 提供了一個多元化的學習環境。
The Primary Years Programme offers a diverse learning environment.
例句 2:
This programme helps students understand the connections between different cultures.
例句 3:
參加 Primary Years Programme 的學生通常對學習抱有積極態度。
Students participating in the Primary Years Programme often have a positive attitude towards learning.