例句 1:
In Japanese stores, you can often see the figure of the Maneki-neko.
例句 2:
This white Maneki-neko symbolizes purity and good luck.
例句 3:
He placed a Maneki-neko in the new restaurant to attract customers.
例句 1:
她在家裡擺了一隻幸運貓(Lucky cat)來吸引財運。
She placed a lucky cat in her home to attract wealth.
例句 2:
這隻金色的幸運貓(Lucky cat)在商店裡非常受歡迎。
This golden lucky cat is very popular in the store.
例句 3:
很多人相信幸運貓(Lucky cat)能帶來好運和繁榮。
Many people believe that the lucky cat can bring good luck and prosperity.
例句 1:
這家店門口擺著一隻迎接貓(Welcoming cat),希望吸引更多顧客。
There is a welcoming cat at the entrance of the store, hoping to attract more customers.
例句 2:
她的辦公室裡有一隻迎接貓(Welcoming cat),象徵著財運亨通。
She has a welcoming cat in her office, symbolizing smooth financial luck.
例句 3:
這隻迎接貓(Welcoming cat)是他們生意成功的象徵。
This welcoming cat is a symbol of their business success.