例句 1:
果凍菌的學名是 Tremella。
The scientific name for jelly fungus is Tremella.
例句 2:
Tremella 被廣泛應用於亞洲的甜品中。
Tremella is widely used in Asian desserts.
例句 3:
這種 Tremella 在中國料理中非常受歡迎。
This type of Tremella is very popular in Chinese cuisine.
例句 1:
果凍菌,也就是 jelly fungus,常被用來做湯。
Jelly fungus, or Tremella, is often used to make soups.
例句 2:
在市場上,我們可以找到新鮮的 jelly fungus。
We can find fresh jelly fungus at the market.
例句 3:
這道菜裡有 jelly fungus,口感特別好。
This dish contains jelly fungus, which has a great texture.
例句 1:
雪耳,也叫 snow fungus,是一道受歡迎的甜品材料。
Snow fungus, also known as Tremella, is a popular ingredient in desserts.
例句 2:
The soup is enhanced with the addition of snow fungus.
例句 3:
Snow fungus is believed to help nourish the lungs in traditional Chinese medicine.
例句 1:
銀耳,也就是 silver ear fungus,對皮膚有好處。
Silver ear fungus is beneficial for the skin.
例句 2:
We used silver ear fungus in this dessert to enhance the texture.
例句 3:
Silver ear fungus is considered a healthy ingredient.