這個詞通常用於日常對話中,表示某件事的結束或完成。在工作環境中,團隊可能會在會議結束時說「wrap up」,表示會議已經結束。它也可以用於表示一個項目或活動的結束,通常帶有輕鬆的語氣。
例句 1:
我們今天的會議快要結束了,讓我們來 wrap up 一下。
We are about to wrap up today's meeting.
例句 2:
這部電影的拍攝已經 wrap up,現在進入後期製作。
The shooting of the film has wrapped up and is now in post-production.
例句 3:
她的報告已經完成,現在只需要 wrap up 一下。
Her report is finished; it just needs to be wrapped up.
例句 1:
我們終於 finish shooting 了這部電影!
We finally finished shooting this film!
例句 2:
導演宣布 finish shooting 時,所有人都感到很高興。
Everyone was excited when the director announced that we finished shooting.
例句 3:
They finished shooting despite the bad weather.
例句 1:
他們在預定的時間內 complete filming。
They completed filming on schedule.
例句 2:
我們需要確保所有場景都已經 complete filming。
We need to make sure all scenes have been completed.
例句 3:
After completing filming, the team started the editing work.
例句 1:
他們計畫在下個月 conclude production。
They plan to conclude production next month.
例句 2:
這部電影將於下週 conclude production。
The film will conclude production next week.
例句 3:
在 conclude production 之前,所有的拍攝必須完成。
All shooting must be finished before we conclude production.