例句 1:
The volcanic ash layer in this area indicates past volcanic activity.
例句 2:
Geologists are studying the composition of this volcanic ash layer.
例句 3:
The thickness of the volcanic ash layer can help us understand the intensity of the eruption.
例句 1:
這個地區的 tephra layer 提供了有關火山噴發的重要數據。
The tephra layer in this region provides important data about volcanic eruptions.
例句 2:
科學家們正在分析 tephra layer 的化學成分。
Scientists are analyzing the chemical composition of the tephra layer.
例句 3:
tephra layer 的存在顯示出這裡曾經發生過劇烈的火山活動。
The presence of the tephra layer indicates that there was intense volcanic activity here.
例句 1:
這些 ash deposit 可能會影響當地的生態系統。
These ash deposits may impact the local ecosystem.
例句 2:
考古學家在這個地區發現了古代文明的 ash deposit。
Archaeologists found ancient civilization's ash deposits in this area.
例句 3:
ash deposit 的分析有助於了解火山活動的頻率。
The analysis of the ash deposits helps understand the frequency of volcanic activity.
例句 1:
這些 volcanic deposit 對於研究地球的地質歷史非常重要。
These volcanic deposits are crucial for studying the geological history of the Earth.
例句 2:
在這個地區發現的 volcanic deposit 提供了有關噴發的時間線。
The volcanic deposits found in this area provide a timeline of the eruptions.
例句 3:
科學家正在調查這些 volcanic deposit 的來源。
Scientists are investigating the sources of these volcanic deposits.