例句 1:
She wore a hot pink dress that made her look stunning.
例句 2:
This hot pink handbag is very trendy and attracts a lot of young people's attention.
例句 3:
I love to use hot pink nail polish to add flair to my look.
例句 1:
這幅畫使用了大量的 fuchsia 色調,讓整體畫面更加生動。
The painting uses a lot of fuchsia tones, making the overall image more vibrant.
例句 2:
她的婚禮主題顏色是 fuchsia 和白色,搭配得非常美麗。
Her wedding theme colors were fuchsia and white, which matched beautifully.
例句 3:
這件外套的顏色是 fuchsia,讓她在人群中非常突出。
The coat is fuchsia, making her stand out in the crowd.
例句 1:
這幅藝術作品的背景是 vibrant pink,讓整體感覺更加生動。
The background of this artwork is vibrant pink, adding to the overall liveliness.
例句 2:
她選擇了一雙 vibrant pink 的高跟鞋,搭配她的黑色裙子。
She chose a pair of vibrant pink heels to go with her black dress.
例句 3:
這個房間的牆壁是 vibrant pink,讓空間看起來非常活潑。
The walls of this room are vibrant pink, making the space feel very lively.
這是一種非常明亮且發光的粉紅色,通常用於吸引注意力的設計和配件中。neon pink常見於夜店服裝、派對裝飾等場合,帶有強烈的現代感。
例句 1:
她的舞會服裝是 neon pink,讓她在舞池中成為焦點。
Her prom dress was neon pink, making her the center of attention on the dance floor.
例句 2:
這個派對的主題是 neon pink 和藍色,裝飾非常吸引人。
The theme of the party was neon pink and blue, and the decorations were very eye-catching.
例句 3:
我買了一件 neon pink 的運動上衣,適合在健身房穿著。
I bought a neon pink workout top, perfect for wearing at the gym.