

「玳瑁龜」是一種海龜,學名為Eretmochelys imbricata,主要分布在熱帶和亞熱帶海域。玳瑁龜以其美麗的殼而聞名,殼上有著明顯的玳瑁花紋,這使得它在海洋生物中獨樹一幟。這種海龜主要以海藻和海綿為食,並且在許多文化中被視為重要的象徵,尤其是在某些地區的藝術和工藝品中。由於過度捕撈和棲息地喪失,玳瑁龜被列為瀕危物種,保護其生存環境是當前的重要任務。


  1. A type of turtle that lives in the ocean.
  2. A turtle known for its beautiful shell.
  3. A sea turtle with a distinctive pattern on its shell.
  4. A turtle that feeds mainly on sea plants.
  5. A marine turtle that is endangered due to hunting.
  6. A species of turtle that is often used in art and crafts.
  7. A tropical sea turtle known for its striking shell and ecological significance.
  8. A critically endangered sea turtle species recognized for its unique carapace.
  9. A species of sea turtle valued for its beautiful shell, facing threats from human activities.
  10. A marine turtle with a patterned shell, critically endangered and culturally significant.


1:Hawksbill Turtle




例句 1:

玳瑁龜的英文名稱是Hawksbill Turtle

The English name for 玳瑁龜 is Hawksbill Turtle.

例句 2:

Hawksbill Turtle是海洋生態系統中重要的一部分。

The Hawksbill Turtle is an important part of the marine ecosystem.

例句 3:

由於非法捕撈,Hawksbill Turtle的數量正在減少。

Due to illegal hunting, the population of the Hawksbill Turtle is declining.

2:Marine Turtle




例句 1:

所有的海龜都屬於Marine Turtle這一類別。

All turtles that live in the ocean belong to the Marine Turtle category.

例句 2:

Marine Turtle在海洋生態系統中非常重要。

Marine Turtles are very important in the marine ecosystem.

例句 3:

保護Marine Turtle的棲息地是我們的責任。

It is our responsibility to protect the habitats of Marine Turtles.

3:Sea Turtle




例句 1:

玳瑁龜Sea Turtle的一種。

The Hawksbill Turtle is a type of Sea Turtle.

例句 2:

Sea Turtle的保護工作正在全球範圍內進行。

Conservation efforts for Sea Turtles are ongoing worldwide.

例句 3:

海洋中的Sea Turtle對於維持生態平衡至關重要。

Sea Turtles in the ocean are crucial for maintaining ecological balance.