例句 1:
Maintaining a straight posture can improve your spine health.
例句 2:
Remember to keep a straight posture while working to reduce fatigue.
例句 3:
Her straight posture conveyed her confidence.
例句 1:
他總是保持著一個 upright 的姿勢。
He always maintains an upright posture.
例句 2:
這把椅子設計得非常 upright,適合長時間坐著。
This chair is designed to be very upright, suitable for long sitting periods.
例句 3:
她是一個 upright 的人,總是誠實待人。
She is an upright person who always treats others honestly.
例句 1:
他在演講時保持著 erect 的姿勢。
He maintained an erect posture during the speech.
例句 2:
這棵樹長得非常 erect,顯得十分挺拔。
This tree grows very erect, looking quite majestic.
例句 3:
她的 erect 立場讓大家都感到佩服。
Her erect stance earned her the respect of everyone.
例句 1:
這個柱子是 vertical 的,支撐著整個建築。
This column is vertical, supporting the entire structure.
例句 2:
在畫畫時,保持 vertical 的線條可以增強作品的效果。
Keeping vertical lines while painting can enhance the effect of the artwork.
例句 3:
他的身體保持 vertical,顯示出良好的姿勢。
His body remains vertical, showing good posture.