



  1. The last song played.
  2. The final piece of music.
  3. The last music played at an event.
  4. The final part of a concert or show.
  5. The closing piece that signals the end.
  6. The concluding musical selection that wraps up an event.
  7. The last musical performance that signifies closure.
  8. The final composition that marks the conclusion of a performance.
  9. The last piece of music that serves to conclude an artistic presentation.
  10. The final musical number that brings an event to a close.




通常用於描述音樂會、表演或活動的最後部分,經常是最引人注目的部分,旨在給觀眾留下深刻的印象。在音樂劇或歌劇中,結尾的高潮部分通常被稱為 finale,這是整個故事的高峰,通常包含主要角色的合唱或獨唱。


例句 1:

音樂會的結尾是一個壯觀的 finale

The concert ended with a spectacular finale.

例句 2:

他們在演出中展示了精彩的 finale,讓觀眾驚嘆不已。

They showcased a stunning finale in the performance that left the audience in awe.

例句 3:

這部歌劇的 finale 讓所有人都感動得流下眼淚。

The finale of the opera moved everyone to tears.

2:Closing piece




例句 1:

這首曲子是音樂會的 closing piece,非常感人。

This piece was the closing piece of the concert and was very touching.

例句 2:

他們的 closing piece 讓整場演出達到高潮。

Their closing piece brought the entire performance to a climax.

例句 3:

在結束前,樂隊演奏了他們的 closing piece

Before concluding, the band played their closing piece.

3:Ending song


在某些情境中,特別是電影、戲劇或音樂會中, ending song 是指用來結束故事或活動的歌曲。它通常會傳達情感,讓觀眾在結束後仍能回味。


例句 1:

這部電影的 ending song 讓我感到無比感動。

The ending song of the movie moved me deeply.

例句 2:

她在演出中唱的 ending song 讓人印象深刻。

The ending song she sang during the performance was memorable.

例句 3:

這首 ending song 完美地捕捉了整部劇的情感。

This ending song perfectly captured the emotion of the entire play.

4:Last movement


在古典音樂中,特別是交響曲或奏鳴曲的結尾部分,通常稱為 last movement。這一部分通常是音樂作品的高潮,並且會以強烈的結尾來結束整個樂章。


例句 1:

這首交響曲的 last movement 充滿了活力和激情。

The last movement of this symphony is full of energy and passion.

例句 2:

音樂會的 last movement 讓觀眾熱血沸騰。

The last movement of the concert had the audience fired up.

例句 3:

作曲家在這首曲子的 last movement 中展現了他的創意。

The composer showcased his creativity in the last movement of this piece.