「絲棉樹」是一種植物,學名為「Bombax ceiba」,屬於錦葵科。它是一種大型落葉樹,通常生長在熱帶和亞熱帶地區。絲棉樹的特徵包括: 1. 樹幹粗壯,常常有刺,樹皮呈灰色。 2. 花朵大而鮮豔,通常為紅色或橙色,盛開時十分壯觀。 3. 其果實內部有白色的絨毛,這些絨毛可用作填充材料,因此得名「絲棉樹」。 絲棉樹在某些地區被視為觀賞樹木,也被用於傳統醫學和工藝品製作。
例句 1:
The silk cotton tree's flowers bloom in spring, attracting many bees.
例句 2:
There are many silk cotton trees in this forest, creating a spectacular sight.
例句 3:
The locals use the fibers from the silk cotton tree to make pillows and quilts.
例句 1:
Bombax 樹通常在熱帶雨林中生長,對生態系統有重要影響。
The Bombax tree typically grows in tropical rainforests and plays an important role in the ecosystem.
例句 2:
在研究植物多樣性時,Bombax 樹是一個重要的研究對象。
The Bombax tree is an important subject of study in plant diversity research.
例句 3:
Bombax 樹的果實含有豐富的纖維,對於當地的工藝品製作非常重要。
The fruit of the Bombax tree contains rich fibers, which are very important for local crafts.
例句 1:
在許多文化中,Ceiba 樹被認為是連接天與地的樹。
In many cultures, the Ceiba tree is considered a bridge between heaven and earth.
例句 2:
Ceiba 樹的存在對當地生態系統至關重要,提供棲息地給多種動物。
The presence of the Ceiba tree is crucial for the local ecosystem, providing habitat for various animals.
例句 3:
當地的傳說中,Ceiba 樹是神靈的居所。
In local legends, the Ceiba tree is the dwelling place of the gods.
例句 1:
Kapok 樹的纖維輕而柔軟,適合用來填充床墊。
The kapok tree's fibers are light and soft, making them suitable for filling mattresses.
例句 2:
在熱帶地區,Kapok 樹經常被用作防風林。
In tropical areas, the kapok tree is often used as a windbreak.
例句 3:
Kapok 樹的花朵吸引了許多傳粉昆蟲。
The kapok tree's flowers attract many pollinating insects.