例句 1:
義和拳運動被稱為拳民起義或義和拳運動,尤其在西方文獻中常稱為 Boxer Rebellion。
The Boxer movement is referred to as the Boxer Rebellion, especially in Western literature.
例句 2:
The result of this uprising led to greater foreign control over China.
例句 3:
許多中國人對於 Boxer Rebellion 的看法各異。
Many Chinese people have differing views on the Boxer Rebellion.
例句 1:
Yihequan 的成員相信他們擁有超自然的力量。
Members of Yihequan believed they had supernatural powers.
例句 2:
Yihequan 的運動在中國歷史上具有重要的意義。
The Yihequan movement holds significant importance in Chinese history.
例句 3:
Yihequan 的信徒們進行了多次抗議行動。
The followers of Yihequan conducted several protest actions.
例句 1:
Society of Righteous and Harmonious Fists 旨在抵抗外國勢力的侵略。
The Society of Righteous and Harmonious Fists aimed to resist foreign aggression.
例句 2:
Members of this organization were often farmers and laborers.
例句 3:
Society of Righteous and Harmonious Fists 的運動在1900年達到高潮。
The movement of the Society of Righteous and Harmonious Fists peaked in 1900.
例句 1:
Anti-foreign Movement 的出現是對於外國勢力的不滿。
The emergence of the Anti-foreign Movement was a response to discontent with foreign powers.
例句 2:
The goal of this movement was to expel foreign powers.
例句 3:
Anti-foreign Movement 反映了當時中國社會的緊張局勢。
The Anti-foreign Movement reflected the tensions in Chinese society at that time.