

The term "問題" has multiple meanings in Chinese, depending on the context. Here are the main interpretations: 1. An object of inquiry or discussion: Refers to something that needs to be answered or resolved. For example: "This is a problem that needs to be solved." 2. Difficulty or trouble: Refers to some kind of distress or obstacle. For example: "He encountered financial problems." 3. Topic or question: Refers to a question in a test, exam, or assignment. For example: "This math problem is difficult." In general, the term "問題" can refer to anything that requires thought, resolution, or an answer. Depending on the specific context, it can denote a question that seeks an answer, a difficulty or challenge faced, or a topic in learning and testing.


  1. Something you need help with.
  2. Something you don't understand.
  3. Something that needs to be fixed.
  4. Something that is not right.
  5. When something is wrong and needs an answer.
  6. A situation that is difficult or needs to be solved.
  7. A situation that needs attention and a solution.
  8. A difficulty or complication that requires a response.
  9. A scenario where something isn't functioning as expected and needs resolution.
  10. A challenge or issue that necessitates a remedy or explanation.




Usually used to indicate a query or curiosity about a subject, thing, or situation. It is commonly seen in academic environments where students ask teachers questions to clarify concepts or gain more information. In a work environment, employees may ask questions to ensure they understand task requirements or policy details. In daily life, people often ask questions to seek advice, opinions, or further understanding.


例句 1:


Do you have any questions about the new policy?

例句 2:


Her question about the project's timeline was very relevant.

例句 3:


The teacher encouraged students to ask questions to enhance their understanding.



Used to describe a difficulty or obstacle that needs to be resolved, usually carrying a negative connotation, indicating that something is not going as expected or that there is a hassle. In work, this may involve technical failures in a project, bottlenecks in processes, or customer complaints. In school, students may encounter difficulties in understanding a subject. In life, various technical issues, personal troubles, or unexpected events can be referred to as problems, which usually require immediate attention or a solution.


例句 1:


We need to solve this problem.

例句 2:


He raised a very complex problem.

例句 3:


She is worried that the problem will get worse.



Covers a broader range and can refer to something that needs attention, discussion, or resolution. It can be neutral or carry some negative meaning, but not as strongly as 'problem'. In the workplace, it may discuss the need for policy improvements or potential risks in processes. In the public domain, social, environmental, or political matters are also referred to as issues. In technical reports or meeting minutes, 'issue' is often used to indicate matters that need further discussion or handling.


例句 1:


The company is facing several critical issues that need immediate attention.

例句 2:


Environmental pollution has become a major issue in urban areas.

例句 3:


The software update addressed several security issues reported by users.



Typically used to describe a situation that is distressing or troubling, which may involve emotional distress or practical difficulties. It carries a strong negative connotation, indicating that someone or something is in a predicament and needs to be resolved or overcome. In some cases, especially when referring to actual difficulties or technical issues that need resolution, it can be translated as a problem.


例句 1:


This machine is having frequent technical trouble and needs immediate repair.

例句 2:


We encountered some financial trouble in the project.

例句 3:


She is having trouble solving this complex math problem.