例句 1:
《華嚴經》在梵文中稱為 Avatamsaka。
The Avatamsaka is the Sanskrit name for the Flower Ornament Sutra.
例句 2:
Avatamsaka 的教義強調一切法的相互依存。
The Avatamsaka teachings emphasize the interdependence of all phenomena.
例句 3:
學者們對 Avatamsaka 的研究揭示了其深厚的哲學意義。
Scholarly studies of the Avatamsaka reveal its profound philosophical significance.
例句 1:
《華嚴經》也被稱為 Flower Ornament Sutra。
The Flower Ornament Sutra is another name for the Avatamsaka Sutra.
例句 2:
Flower Ornament 的概念在華嚴宗的教義中非常重要。
The concept of Flower Ornament is very important in the teachings of Huayan.
例句 3:
在學習 Flower Ornament 時,我們會發現許多深刻的哲學觀念。
When studying the Flower Ornament, we discover many profound philosophical ideas.
例句 1:
Huayan 宗是中國佛教的一個重要宗派。
Huayan is an important school of Chinese Buddhism.
例句 2:
在 Huayan 的教義中,強調了萬物的相互依存性。
The teachings of Huayan emphasize the interdependence of all things.
例句 3:
許多佛教徒會參加 Huayan 的修行和學習活動。
Many Buddhists participate in Huayan practices and study activities.