例句 1:
I bought a package of phyllo dough at the supermarket to make dessert.
例句 2:
This dish requires multiple layers of phyllo dough for added texture.
例句 3:
You can make many different foods with phyllo dough.
例句 1:
她用 filo pastry 做了一個美味的菠菜餡餅。
She made a delicious spinach pie using filo pastry.
例句 2:
這個食譜要求使用 filo pastry 來製作脆皮。
This recipe calls for using filo pastry to create a crispy crust.
例句 3:
Filo pastry 可以用來包裹各種餡料。
Filo pastry can be used to wrap various fillings.
例句 1:
這個食譜需要 filò pastry 來製作傳統的甜點。
This recipe requires filò pastry to make a traditional dessert.
例句 2:
我從市場買了新鮮的 filò pastry。
I bought fresh filò pastry from the market.
例句 3:
用 filò pastry 製作的餡餅總是特別受歡迎。
Pies made with filò pastry are always particularly popular.
例句 1:
用 filo 製作的甜點通常都很受歡迎。
Desserts made with filo are usually very popular.
例句 2:
這道菜需要 filo 來增加層次感。
This dish requires filo to add layers.
例句 3:
她在家裡嘗試用 filo 做了一些新食譜。
She tried making some new recipes at home using filo.