



  1. A type of monkey with a long tail.
  2. A monkey that lives in groups and has a long tail.
  3. A monkey known for its long tail and social behavior.
  4. A species of monkey that is often found in Asia and has a long tail.
  5. A primate species recognized for its long tail and its ability to live in social groups.
  6. A type of Old World monkey that is distinguished by its long tail and is commonly found in various habitats in Asia.
  7. A long-tailed primate that exhibits complex social structures and behaviors, often found in forested areas.
  8. A species of macaque characterized by its elongated tail, known for its adaptability and social interactions.
  9. A long-tailed species of macaque that plays a significant role in its ecosystem through seed dispersal and foraging behaviors.
  10. A social primate with an elongated tail, commonly found in Asian forests, known for its intelligence and adaptability.


1:Long-tailed macaque




例句 1:


The long-tailed macaque is a common animal in many tropical areas.

例句 2:


The social structure of long-tailed macaques is very complex.

例句 3:


Studies show that long-tailed macaques can use tools.

2:Macaca fascicularis




例句 1:

Macaca fascicularis 是一種適應力強的猴子。

Macaca fascicularis is a highly adaptable monkey.

例句 2:

在生態研究中,Macaca fascicularis 的行為受到廣泛關注。

The behavior of Macaca fascicularis is widely studied in ecological research.

例句 3:

保護 Macaca fascicularis 的棲息地對於生物多樣性至關重要。

Protecting the habitat of Macaca fascicularis is crucial for biodiversity.

3:Crab-eating macaque




例句 1:

Crab-eating macaque 在水邊經常被看到。

Crab-eating macaques are often seen near the water.

例句 2:


This monkey feeds on marine life, especially crabs.

例句 3:

Crab-eating macaque 是研究生態系統的重要物種。

The crab-eating macaque is an important species for studying ecosystems.

4:Cynomolgus monkey




例句 1:

Cynomolgus monkey 在實驗室研究中經常被用作模型生物。

Cynomolgus monkeys are often used as model organisms in laboratory studies.

例句 2:

Cynomolgus monkey 的生理特徵使其成為研究人類疾病的理想選擇。

The physiological traits of Cynomolgus monkeys make them ideal for studying human diseases.

例句 3:

許多疫苗的測試都使用了 Cynomolgus monkey

Many vaccines have been tested using Cynomolgus monkeys.


搜索引擎優化 搜索性 十幅 數幅 幾十幅 事務處 教務處 揭曉 Pontiff 公教會 Vicar Father Holy pontiff 惠及 使用能力 盜了 物資量 商品數量 了一段話 總體來說,「問題」這個詞可以指代需要思考、解決或回答的任何事物。根據具體情境,它可以是需要尋求答案的提問、面臨的困難或挑戰,或是學習和測試中的題目。 題目或考題:這是指測驗、考試或作業中的題目。例如:「這道數學問題很難。」 問題這個詞在中文裡有多種意思,根據上下文不同可以有以下幾種主要含義:詢問或討論的對象:這是指需要回答或解決的事情。例如:「這是一個需要解決的問題。」困難或麻煩:這是指某種困擾或障礙。例如:「他遇到了財務問題。」 壓過 凸形 吃點心 凹洞 畢業照 裝飾框 木框 未見到 計時員 式樣式 機芯 偷瞥 瞥視 生日蛋糕 千里 時間過長 背影 中字體 收費機 彎身 lot parking 會員資格 告示牌 Locator Uniform Language Markup HyperText Markdown XML 顧客服務團隊 專業顧問 商店助理 零售員工 銷售助理 新關係 開始感 周密性 跳轉 右角 日遊 團體旅行 沒見過 moat trench 疏浚 ditch 蘇伊士 流通暢 儲水池 雨水井 暴雨水系統 排水井 利用效率 抽水站 水引導 吸收感 未眠 徹夜 馬道 香氛蠟燭瓶 容納量 坐穩 是不容許的 董事們 98% troglodytes Pan 暢通無阻的 所欲言 平衡木 大猿 macaque Crab-eating Orangutan 紅猩猩