



  1. The part of a shoe that goes under the laces.
  2. A piece of material in shoes that helps fit better.
  3. The part that protects the top of your foot.
  4. A component of footwear that adds comfort and support.
  5. A section of the shoe that keeps the laces from rubbing against the foot.
  6. A flap of material that covers the area where the laces are attached.
  7. A part designed to enhance the fit and prevent discomfort from the laces.
  8. An essential feature of footwear that contributes to both aesthetics and functionality.
  9. A structural element of a shoe that influences both comfort and performance.
  10. A critical component that helps secure the shoe and protect the foot.


1:Tongue of a shoe




例句 1:


The tongue of this shoe is too thick, making it uncomfortable for me.

例句 2:


He likes the design of the tongue on these shoes; it gives his foot more support.

例句 3:


The choice of material for the tongue has a significant impact on the comfort of the shoe.

2:Lace flap


這個詞通常用來描述鞋帶的覆蓋部分,鞋舌作為鞋帶的覆蓋物,也可以被稱為 lace flap。它的設計不僅影響鞋子的外觀,也影響穿著的舒適度。


例句 1:

這雙鞋的 lace flap 設計得很漂亮。

The lace flap design on this shoe is very beautiful.

例句 2:

我喜歡這種有 lace flap 的運動鞋,因為它們更好穿脫。

I like these sneakers with a lace flap because they are easier to put on and take off.

例句 3:

他發現 lace flap 的位置不太合適,影響了他的穿著體驗。

He found the position of the lace flap to be uncomfortable, affecting his wearing experience.

3:Shoe flap




例句 1:

這雙鞋的 shoe flap 讓我感覺非常舒適。

The shoe flap on these shoes makes me feel very comfortable.

例句 2:

她喜歡這雙鞋的 shoe flap 設計,讓她的腳感覺很好。

She likes the shoe flap design on these shoes; it feels great on her feet.

例句 3:

鞋子的 shoe flap 有助於提供額外的穩定性和支撐。

The shoe flap of the footwear helps provide extra stability and support.