「鳳凰木」是一種落葉喬木,學名為 Delonix regia,原產於馬達加斯加,因其美麗的花朵而受到廣泛栽培。鳳凰木的特徵包括大而羽狀的葉子和鮮紅色或橙色的花朵,通常在夏季盛開,形成壯觀的景象。這種樹木通常被種植在公園、街道和庭院中,因為它提供陰影並且具有觀賞價值。它的名字源於其花朵的形狀和色彩,像鳳凰般的美麗。
例句 1:
The Royal Poinciana turns completely red when it blooms in summer.
例句 2:
In many places in the Caribbean, you can see the spectacular sight of the Royal Poinciana.
例句 3:
This Royal Poinciana is the most beautiful tree near my home.
例句 1:
The flowers of the Flamboyant Tree shine brightly in the sunlight, it's truly spectacular!
例句 2:
This area is famous for its blooming Flamboyant Trees.
例句 3:
There are several Flamboyant Trees in this park that attract many visitors.
例句 1:
根據植物學資料,鳳凰木的學名是 Delonix regia。
According to botanical records, the scientific name of the Phoenix Tree is Delonix regia.
例句 2:
Delonix 的樹木在熱帶地區非常受歡迎。
Trees of the Delonix genus are very popular in tropical regions.
例句 3:
在學術研究中,Delonix 被廣泛探討其生態影響。
In academic studies, Delonix is widely discussed for its ecological impacts.
例句 1:
鳳凰木在夏季開花時,像火焰一樣明亮,這就是為什麼它被稱為 Flame Tree。
When the Phoenix Tree blooms in summer, it is as bright as flames, which is why it is called the Flame Tree.
例句 2:
在這個地區,Flame Tree 是最受歡迎的觀賞樹之一。
In this area, the Flame Tree is one of the most popular ornamental trees.
例句 3:
我們的花園裡種了一棵 Flame Tree,夏天時特別美麗。
We planted a Flame Tree in our garden, and it looks especially beautiful in summer.