例句 1:
The length of this rebar is 148 millimeters.
例句 2:
We need a 148 millimeter screw to install this part.
例句 3:
The size of this component is 148 millimeters, which meets the standard specifications.
例句 1:
這個圖紙上標示的尺寸是148 mm。
The dimensions indicated on this blueprint are 148 mm.
例句 2:
這個部件的厚度為148 mm,適合我們的需求。
The thickness of this component is 148 mm, suitable for our needs.
例句 3:
在設計中,148 mm是非常重要的參數。
In the design, 148 mm is a very important parameter.
例句 1:
這根電纜的148 mm長度非常適合我們的應用。
The 148 mm length of this cable is perfect for our application.
例句 2:
我們需要一個148 mm長度的管道來進行安裝。
We need a pipe with a length of 148 mm for the installation.
例句 3:
148 mm長度的木板非常適合這個項目。
The wood board with a length of 148 mm is very suitable for this project.
例句 1:
這個測量顯示出148 mm的結果,符合預期。
This measurement shows a result of 148 mm, which meets expectations.
例句 2:
148 mm的測量是我們設計的一部分。
The 148 mm measure is part of our design.
例句 3:
確保所有部件的148 mm測量都是正確的。
Ensure that all parts have the correct 148 mm measure.