例句 1:
I enjoy having a glass of dry sherry before dinner.
例句 2:
This dry sherry has a nutty aroma and is very delicious.
例句 3:
Dry sherry pairs well with ham.
這是乾雪莉酒的一種,特別以其清新和輕盈的特點著稱。Fino 雪莉酒通常是最乾的雪莉酒,並且經過較長時間的陳釀,酒體輕盈,適合搭配海鮮和輕食。
例句 1:
Fino 雪莉酒是我最喜歡的開胃酒。
Fino sherry is my favorite aperitif.
例句 2:
這瓶 Fino 雪莉酒非常清爽,適合炎熱的天氣。
This bottle of Fino sherry is very refreshing, perfect for hot weather.
例句 3:
Fino 雪莉酒的香氣非常獨特,帶有鹹味和堅果的味道。
Fino sherry has a unique aroma with hints of saltiness and nuts.
這是一種來自西班牙南部的小鎮的雪莉酒,屬於乾雪莉酒的一種,通常風味清新,帶有海洋的鹹味。Manzanilla 雪莉酒常用於開胃酒,特別適合搭配海鮮。
例句 1:
我喜歡在海鮮餐時喝 Manzanilla 雪莉酒。
I love drinking Manzanilla sherry with seafood dishes.
例句 2:
這瓶 Manzanilla 雪莉酒非常清爽,口感極佳。
This bottle of Manzanilla sherry is very refreshing and has a great taste.
例句 3:
Manzanilla 雪莉酒的鹹味讓它非常獨特。
The salty flavor of Manzanilla sherry makes it very unique.
這是一種半乾的雪莉酒,擁有更豐富的風味,通常帶有堅果和香料的味道。Amontillado 雪莉酒適合與多種食物搭配,特別是肉類和濃郁的奶酪。
例句 1:
Amontillado 雪莉酒的風味十分豐富,適合搭配肉類。
Amontillado sherry has a rich flavor that pairs well with meats.
例句 2:
這瓶 Amontillado 雪莉酒的香氣讓我想起堅果和香料。
This bottle of Amontillado sherry has aromas reminiscent of nuts and spices.
例句 3:
我在晚宴上享用了 Amontillado 雪莉酒,味道非常好。
I enjoyed Amontillado sherry at the dinner, and it was very good.