fe2+ ion的意思、翻譯和例句


Fe2+ 雜離子是鐵的二價陽離子,表示鐵原子失去兩個電子後形成的正離子。它在化學中常見,特別是在鐵的化合物和生物系統中。Fe2+ 在許多反應中扮演著重要的角色,尤其是在生物體內的氧氣運輸和儲存方面。


  1. A charged form of iron.
  2. Iron that has lost two electrons.
  3. A form of iron important in many chemical reactions.
  4. A type of iron ion that can combine with other substances.
  5. A positively charged iron atom that is involved in various biological processes.
  6. A divalent iron ion that plays a crucial role in redox reactions.
  7. An essential metal ion in biological systems, particularly in hemoglobin.
  8. A divalent cation that is vital for many enzymatic reactions.
  9. A ferrous ion that participates in electron transfer processes and is crucial for oxygen transport in living organisms.
  10. A bivalent transition metal ion that is integral to various biochemical pathways.


1:Ferrous Ion




例句 1:

Ferrous ion 在水中溶解度較高。

Ferrous ion has a higher solubility in water.

例句 2:

這種化合物含有大量的 ferrous ion

This compound contains a significant amount of ferrous ion.

例句 3:

Ferrous ion 在生物體內的氧氣運輸中扮演重要角色。

Ferrous ion plays a crucial role in oxygen transport within the body.

2:Iron II Ion


這是另一種描述 Fe2+ 雜離子的方式,常用於化學反應和分析中。它強調了鐵的二價狀態,並且在許多化學計算中是必要的。


例句 1:

Iron II ion 在許多化學反應中作為還原劑。

Iron II ion acts as a reducing agent in many chemical reactions.

例句 2:

我們需要測量溶液中 Iron II ion 的濃度。

We need to measure the concentration of Iron II ion in the solution.

例句 3:

Iron II ion 可以與氧氣反應形成 Iron III ion。

Iron II ion can react with oxygen to form Iron III ion.

3:Divalent Iron Ion




例句 1:

Divalent iron ion 在土壤中有助於植物的生長。

Divalent iron ion helps in the growth of plants in the soil.

例句 2:

在水處理過程中,divalent iron ion 的去除是很重要的。

The removal of divalent iron ion is important in water treatment processes.

例句 3:

Divalent iron ion 是許多生物化學反應的催化劑。

Divalent iron ion is a catalyst in many biochemical reactions.
