例句 1:
We plan to bike around Sun Moon Lake and enjoy the beautiful scenery.
例句 2:
The sunrise and sunset at Sun Moon Lake are incredibly beautiful and worth seeing.
例句 3:
I had a lovely afternoon on a boat tour at Sun Moon Lake.
例句 1:
在地圖上,你可以找到日月潭(Riyue Lake)的位置。
On the map, you can find the location of Riyue Lake.
例句 2:
Riyue Lake 是一個很好的地方,可以享受水上活動。
Riyue Lake is a great place to enjoy water activities.
例句 3:
在Riyue Lake旁邊有許多美麗的步道。
There are many beautiful trails next to Riyue Lake.
例句 1:
Lake Sun and Moon是拍攝自然風景的理想地點。
Lake Sun and Moon is an ideal spot for photographing natural scenery.
例句 2:
許多遊客來Lake Sun and Moon體驗當地的文化和美食。
Many tourists come to Lake Sun and Moon to experience the local culture and cuisine.
例句 3:
在Lake Sun and Moon附近有許多旅館和民宿可供選擇。
There are many hotels and guesthouses available near Lake Sun and Moon.
例句 1:
Taiwan's Sun Moon Lake每年吸引數以萬計的遊客。
Taiwan's Sun Moon Lake attracts tens of thousands of visitors each year.
例句 2:
在Taiwan's Sun Moon Lake,你可以參加各種水上活動。
At Taiwan's Sun Moon Lake, you can participate in various water activities.
例句 3:
Taiwan's Sun Moon Lake是了解台灣自然美景的好地方。
Taiwan's Sun Moon Lake is a great place to appreciate Taiwan's natural beauty.