例句 1:
The length of this rope is 7 centimeters.
例句 2:
The width of this picture is 7 centimeters.
例句 3:
Please make sure the length of the paper you cut is 7 centimeters.
例句 1:
這個裝置需要一根7 cm的管子。
This device requires a 7 cm pipe.
例句 2:
請將這個方塊的邊長設為7 cm。
Please set the side length of this square to 7 cm.
例句 3:
這個模型的高度是7 cm。
The height of this model is 7 cm.
例句 1:
這個書架的深度是7 cm long。
The depth of this shelf is 7 cm long.
例句 2:
這根木條的長度是7 cm long。
The length of this wooden stick is 7 cm long.
例句 3:
這個盒子的寬度是7 cm long。
The width of this box is 7 cm long.
例句 1:
這條繩子是7 cm in length。
This rope is 7 cm in length.
例句 2:
這根金屬棒的尺寸是7 cm in length。
The size of this metal rod is 7 cm in length.
例句 3:
這個裝置的寬度是7 cm in length。
The width of this device is 7 cm in length.