

「Abel」是個人名,源自希伯來語,意為「呼吸」、「蒼穹」或「虛無」。在聖經中,Abel 是亞當和夏娃的第二個兒子,與他的兄弟該隱的故事著名。Abel 在基督教和猶太教文化中常被視為無辜者的象徵。此名字在許多文化中都存在,並且常被用作男性名字。


  1. A man's name.
  2. A name from the Bible.
  3. A name that means something related to life.
  4. A biblical character who was a shepherd.
  5. A name often associated with innocence.
  6. A name that has historical and cultural significance.
  7. A name that represents a biblical figure who faced tragedy.
  8. A name linked to themes of sacrifice and morality.
  9. A significant name in religious texts, symbolizing purity and victimhood.
  10. A name that embodies deep historical and ethical narratives.




作為人名,Abel 是一個在許多文化中流行的名字,特別是在基督教和猶太教的背景下。這個名字的歷史根源使其在文學和藝術作品中經常出現,象徵著無辜和犧牲。


例句 1:

在聖經故事中,Abel 是一位牧羊人。

In the biblical story, Abel was a shepherd.

例句 2:

許多父母選擇給他們的孩子取名為 Abel,以紀念這個聖經人物。

Many parents choose to name their children Abel to honor this biblical figure.

例句 3:

Abel 的故事常常被用來討論道德和倫理的問題。

The story of Abel is often used to discuss moral and ethical issues.