

「Alunite」是一種含鉀的鋁矽酸鹽礦物,化學式為 KAl3(SO4)2(OH)6。它通常呈現白色或灰色,具有玻璃光澤,主要用於製造鋁和作為鉀肥料的來源。Alunite 也可以用於某些工業過程和環境應用。


  1. A mineral that contains potassium and aluminum.
  2. A type of rock that can help grow plants.
  3. A mineral used in making aluminum.
  4. A mineral that can be used in fertilizers.
  5. A specific mineral found in nature, often used in industry.
  6. A hydrated potassium aluminum sulfate mineral with various industrial applications.
  7. A mineral that can be processed to extract potassium and aluminum for various uses.
  8. A sulfate mineral that serves as a source of potassium and aluminum, utilized in agriculture and industry.
  9. A mineral composed of potassium aluminum sulfate hydroxide, used in various industrial applications including fertilizers.
  10. A naturally occurring mineral that is important for both agricultural and industrial processes.




Alunite 是一種重要的礦物,常見於火山岩區域,並且在某些地質環境中形成。它的產生通常與硫酸鹽的水解作用有關,並且可以在各種地質過程中找到。Alunite 在工業上主要用於生產鉀肥料,對於農業有著重要的貢獻。此外,Alunite 也可以用於水處理和某些化學製程中。


例句 1:

Alunite 是一種重要的鉀源,對農業發展至關重要。

Alunite is an important source of potassium, crucial for agricultural development.

例句 2:

在這個地區發現了大量的 Alunite 礦床。

A large deposit of alunite was discovered in this area.

例句 3:

Alunite 的加工可以用來製造多種化學產品。

Processing alunite can be used to produce various chemical products.