這是 Ascomycota 的另一種常見稱呼,因為它們的繁殖結構(子囊)形狀如囊。這些真菌在生態系統中扮演著重要的角色,並且有許多種類被用於食品製造和藥物生產。
例句 1:
Many yeasts belong to sac fungi and are very important for baking and brewing.
例句 2:
Molds that are sac fungi also play a key role in food preservation.
例句 3:
These sac fungi are highly diverse in nature.
這是 Ascomycota 的一個子類別,通常用來描述所有包含在這個門下的真菌。它們的特徵是能夠在特定的條件下進行有性或無性繁殖。
例句 1:
Ascomycetes 包括許多我們熟悉的食用真菌。
Ascomycetes include many edible fungi that we are familiar with.
例句 2:
某些 Ascomycetes 在酵母發酵過程中起著重要作用。
Certain Ascomycetes play an important role in the yeast fermentation process.
例句 3:
Ascomycetes 在生態系統中有著重要的分解者角色。
Ascomycetes play a crucial role as decomposers in ecosystems.
例句 1:
Ascomycota 是研究真菌多樣性的關鍵組成部分。
Ascomycota is a key component in the study of fungal diversity.
例句 2:
了解 Ascomycota 的生態功能對於生態學研究至關重要。
Understanding the ecological functions of Ascomycota is crucial for ecological studies.
例句 3:
許多藥物的來源都來自於 Ascomycota。
Many pharmaceuticals are derived from Ascomycota.
這是 Ascomycota 的更廣泛的類別,包括所有真菌。真菌在生態系統中有著多樣的角色,包括分解者和共生體。
例句 1:
Fungi play an important role as decomposers in ecosystems.
例句 2:
Many fungi are crucial for the health and growth of plants.
例句 3:
Studying the diversity of fungi helps us understand the functioning of ecosystems.