例句 1:
Ayer is a common surname, and many people in the U.S. have it.
例句 2:
He is a member of the Ayer family, which is well-known in the local community.
例句 3:
The author's full name is John Ayer.
例句 1:
我們計劃去參觀Ayers Rock,這是澳大利亞的著名地標。
We plan to visit Ayers Rock, a famous landmark in Australia.
例句 2:
Ayers Rock在日落時分的景色特別美麗。
The view of Ayers Rock at sunset is especially beautiful.
例句 3:
當地的土著文化將Ayers Rock視為神聖之地。
The local Indigenous culture regards Ayers Rock as a sacred place.
例句 1:
Ayers College提供多樣的課程以滿足學生的需求。
Ayers College offers a variety of courses to meet students' needs.
例句 2:
學生們在Ayers College的學習經歷非常豐富。
The students' learning experience at Ayers College is very enriching.
例句 3:
Ayers College的校友在各行各業都取得了成功。
Alumni of Ayers College have succeeded in various fields.
例句 1:
我們最近搬到了Ayers Township,這裡的社區非常友好。
We recently moved to Ayers Township, and the community here is very friendly.
例句 2:
Ayers Township有許多美麗的公園和自然景觀。
Ayers Township has many beautiful parks and natural scenery.
例句 3:
這個地區的歷史可以追溯到幾十年前,Ayers Township的發展非常有趣。
The history of this area dates back decades, and the development of Ayers Township is quite interesting.