例句 1:
Christopher 是我最好的朋友的名字。
Christopher is the name of my best friend.
例句 2:
聖 Christopher 是旅行者和駕駛者的保護聖人。
Saint Christopher is the patron saint of travelers and drivers.
例句 3:
我在學校的時候有一位叫 Christopher 的同學。
I had a classmate named Christopher in school.
例句 1:
我們都叫他 Cristobalito,因為他很可愛。
We all call him Cristobalito because he is so cute.
例句 2:
Cristobalito 是我小侄子的名字。
Cristobalito is the name of my little nephew.
例句 3:
她對 Cristobalito 的愛護讓人感到溫暖。
Her affection for Cristobalito is heartwarming.
例句 1:
他的朋友們都叫他 Topher。
His friends all call him Topher.
例句 2:
Topher 在聚會上總是帶來歡樂。
Topher always brings joy to the parties.
例句 3:
我喜歡叫他 Topher,因為這樣聽起來更親切。
I like to call him Topher because it sounds friendlier.
例句 1:
我有一位叫 Kris 的朋友,她非常有才華。
I have a friend named Kris, and she is very talented.
例句 2:
Kris 在社交媒體上很活躍。
Kris is very active on social media.
例句 3:
很多人喜歡稱呼他為 Kris,因為這樣更輕鬆。
Many people prefer to call him Kris because it feels more casual.