《Cyberiad》是波蘭科幻作家斯坦尼斯瓦夫·萊姆(Stanislaw Lem)於1965年出版的一部小說,主要由一系列短篇故事組成,講述了兩位機器人建造者特里斯特(Trurl)和克拉克(Klapaucius)的冒險經歷。這部作品以其幽默的風格、哲學的深度和對科技及人性的探討而著稱,反映了萊姆對於人工智慧、機器人和未來社會的獨特見解。
例句 1:
I recently read Cyberiad, and I really enjoyed its humor and wit.
例句 2:
There are many interesting stories in Cyberiad that gave me new insights into the future of technology.
例句 3:
Stanislaw Lem's Cyberiad is a classic in science fiction literature.
例句 1:
在學術界,《The Cyberiad》經常被引用來討論科幻文學的哲學主題。
In academia, The Cyberiad is often cited to discuss philosophical themes in science fiction.
例句 2:
我在大學的課程中學習了《The Cyberiad》的主要概念和主題。
I studied the main concepts and themes of The Cyberiad in my university course.
例句 3:
《The Cyberiad》不僅是一本科幻小說,還是一部對人類存在的深刻反思。
The Cyberiad is not just a science fiction novel, but a profound reflection on human existence.