「Cyrus」是一個人名,源自古波斯語,通常被解釋為「太陽」或「光輝」。在歷史上,最著名的持有這個名字的人是古波斯的國王居魯士大帝(Cyrus the Great),他以建立波斯帝國而聞名。這個名字在不同文化中也有不同的變體和使用。
例句 1:
Cyrus the Great's Persian Empire was one of the most powerful nations of its time.
例句 2:
Cyrus the Great is known for his policies of tolerance.
例句 3:
In many cultures, Cyrus the Great is regarded as a great leader.
例句 1:
在伊朗,Kourosh 是一個非常受歡迎的名字。
In Iran, Kourosh is a very popular name.
例句 2:
Kourosh 這個名字在波斯歷史中有著深厚的根基。
The name Kourosh has deep roots in Persian history.
例句 3:
許多父母選擇 Kourosh 作為他們兒子的名字。
Many parents choose Kourosh as their son's name.
例句 1:
Cyrus II 以其卓越的軍事才能而聞名。
Cyrus II is known for his exceptional military skills.
例句 2:
許多歷史學家研究 Cyrus II 的統治方式。
Many historians study the reign of Cyrus II.
例句 3:
Cyrus II 的影響力延續至今。
The influence of Cyrus II continues to this day.
例句 1:
Cyrus of Persia 在古代世界中佔有重要地位。
Cyrus of Persia held an important position in the ancient world.
例句 2:
Cyrus of Persia 的政策影響了後來的帝國。
The policies of Cyrus of Persia influenced later empires.
例句 3:
研究 Cyrus of Persia 有助於理解古代歷史。
Studying Cyrus of Persia helps to understand ancient history.