



  1. A figure in Buddhism who helps spirits.
  2. A protector of the dead.
  3. A deity associated with the afterlife.
  4. A bodhisattva who saves souls from suffering.
  5. A compassionate being who assists in the underworld.
  6. A revered figure in Buddhist tradition who guides and protects souls.
  7. A spiritual entity dedicated to helping those in the afterlife.
  8. A benevolent figure in Buddhism known for rescuing and guiding lost souls.
  9. A bodhisattva who embodies compassion and vows to help all beings, especially the deceased.
  10. A significant figure in Buddhist lore who plays a crucial role in the salvation of souls.




Ksitigarbha 是地藏菩薩的梵文名稱,意指「地藏」,代表他在地球上守護眾生的角色。Ksitigarbha 的信仰強調他對亡靈的救助,並且常常在寺廟中被供奉。


例句 1:

Ksitigarbha 是一位非常受人尊敬的菩薩。

Ksitigarbha is a highly revered bodhisattva.

例句 2:


Many devotees come to pay their respects during Ksitigarbha's festival.

例句 3:

Ksitigarbha 的教義讓人們對死亡有了更深的理解。

Ksitigarbha's teachings provide deeper insights into death.

2:Earth Store Bodhisattva


Earth Store Bodhisattva 是地藏菩薩的英文名稱,強調他與大地和生命的聯繫。這個名稱也反映了他對所有眾生的悲憫和關懷。


例句 1:

Earth Store Bodhisattva 的信仰在亞洲的佛教徒中非常流行。

The belief in Earth Store Bodhisattva is very popular among Buddhist followers in Asia.

例句 2:

許多寺廟會供奉 Earth Store Bodhisattva 的雕像。

Many temples have statues dedicated to Earth Store Bodhisattva.

例句 3:

Earth Store Bodhisattva 的經典故事教導我們如何面對生死問題。

The classic stories of Earth Store Bodhisattva teach us how to confront life and death issues.

3:Dizang Bodhisattva


Dizang Bodhisattva 是地藏菩薩的另一種翻譯,強調了他對地球和眾生的守護。這個名稱在中文語境中使用廣泛,特別是在台灣的宗教活動中。


例句 1:

Dizang Bodhisattva 在台灣的廟宇中經常被供奉。

Dizang Bodhisattva is often worshipped in temples in Taiwan.

例句 2:

信徒們會為已故親人祈求 Dizang Bodhisattva 的庇佑。

Devotees pray for the protection of Dizang Bodhisattva for their deceased loved ones.

例句 3:

Dizang Bodhisattva 的故事提醒我們要珍惜生命。

The stories of Dizang Bodhisattva remind us to cherish life.



Jizō 是日本對地藏菩薩的稱呼,特別受到信徒的喜愛。這個名稱通常與日本的佛教文化和習俗有關,並且在日本的寺廟中經常可以見到 Jizō 的雕像。


例句 1:

在日本,Jizō 被認為是小孩的守護神。

In Japan, Jizō is regarded as the protector of children.

例句 2:

許多家庭會在家裡供奉 Jizō 的小像。

Many families keep a small statue of Jizō at home.

例句 3:

Jizō 的信仰在日本的文化中佔有重要地位。

The belief in Jizō holds an important place in Japanese culture.