



  1. A name or brand.
  2. A specific term or label.
  3. Could refer to a product or concept.
  4. A term that may need context to understand.
  5. A label that might be used in specific industries.
  6. Could be a brand name or a unique identifier.
  7. A designation that requires contextual understanding.
  8. A term that is ambiguous without additional context.
  9. A term that could signify various meanings based on the industry or context.
  10. A name or term that may not have a clear definition without context.


1:Dopp Kit


這是一種旅行用的洗漱包,通常用來存放個人護理用品,如牙刷、剃鬚刀和洗髮水等。這種包的設計方便攜帶,適合旅行或外出時使用。由於其實用性,Dopp Kit 在旅行者中非常受歡迎。


例句 1:

我在旅行時總是帶著我的 Dopp Kit。

I always take my Dopp Kit when I travel.

例句 2:

這個 Dopp Kit 是我母親送給我的,裡面有很多隔層。

This Dopp Kit was a gift from my mother, and it has many compartments.

例句 3:

他在行李中找到了一個舊的 Dopp Kit。

He found an old Dopp Kit in his luggage.

2:Dopp Bag




例句 1:

我需要一個 Dopp Bag 來整理我的旅行用品。

I need a Dopp Bag to organize my travel essentials.

例句 2:

這個 Dopp Bag 很耐用,適合長途旅行。

This Dopp Bag is very durable and great for long trips.

例句 3:

她的 Dopp Bag 裡面裝滿了化妝品。

Her Dopp Bag is filled with cosmetics.

3:Dopp Case




例句 1:

這個 Dopp Case 讓我的工具保持整齊。

This Dopp Case keeps my tools organized.

例句 2:

我在商店看到了一個漂亮的 Dopp Case。

I saw a nice Dopp Case in the store.

例句 3:

他的 Dopp Case 裡面有很多剃鬚工具。

His Dopp Case contains many shaving tools.