例句 1:
Iron(III) oxide is a common pigment.
例句 2:
Iron(III) salts are used in water treatment to remove impurities.
例句 3:
Iron(III) compounds are also important in catalytic reactions.
例句 1:
Ferric ion 在血液中結合氧氣,運輸至全身。
The ferric ion binds to oxygen in the blood and transports it throughout the body.
例句 2:
在某些酵素反應中,Ferric ion 是必需的。
The ferric ion is essential in certain enzymatic reactions.
例句 3:
Ferric ion 的濃度會影響水體的生態系統。
The concentration of ferric ions can affect the ecosystem of aquatic environments.
例句 1:
Trivalent iron 在許多化學反應中起著催化劑的作用。
Trivalent iron acts as a catalyst in many chemical reactions.
例句 2:
這種化合物的穩定性與 trivalent iron 的存在有關。
The stability of this compound is related to the presence of trivalent iron.
例句 3:
在土壤中,trivalent iron 的含量影響植物的生長。
The amount of trivalent iron in the soil affects plant growth.
例句 1:
在反應中,Fe3+ 是主要的氧化劑。
In the reaction, Fe3+ is the main oxidizing agent.
例句 2:
Fe3+ 的濃度測量對於監測水質至關重要。
Measuring the concentration of Fe3+ is crucial for monitoring water quality.
例句 3:
Fe3+ 可以與多種配體形成復合物。
Fe3+ can form complexes with various ligands.