例句 1:
Ferdinand 是一位著名的歷史人物,曾經是西班牙的國王。
Ferdinand was a famous historical figure who was once the king of Spain.
例句 2:
這部電影的主角名叫 Ferdinand,他是一隻勇敢的公牛。
The main character of the movie is named Ferdinand, and he is a brave bull.
例句 3:
Ferdinand 的故事在文學中經常被引用。
The story of Ferdinand is often referenced in literature.
例句 1:
Fernando 是我的朋友,他是一位出色的音樂家。
Fernando is my friend, and he is an excellent musician.
例句 2:
在西班牙,Fernando 是一個非常流行的名字。
In Spain, Fernando is a very popular name.
例句 3:
Fernando 的家族世代相傳,都是音樂家。
Fernando's family has been musicians for generations.
例句 1:
Ferdinando 是一位著名的意大利畫家。
Ferdinando was a famous Italian painter.
例句 2:
在意大利,很多人都叫 Ferdinando。
Many people in Italy are named Ferdinando.
例句 3:
Ferdinando 的作品在藝術界受到高度讚譽。
Ferdinando's works are highly praised in the art world.