例句 1:
Frederick 大帝是普魯士的一位偉大國王。
Frederick the Great was a great king of Prussia.
例句 2:
他叫 Frederick,是一位知名的作家。
His name is Frederick, and he is a well-known writer.
例句 3:
Frederick 是一個在英語國家中非常受歡迎的名字。
Frederick is a very popular name in English-speaking countries.
例句 1:
Friedrich 是德國歷史上許多國王和皇帝的名字。
Friedrich is the name of many kings and emperors in German history.
例句 2:
他在德國的藝術界以 Friedrich 的名字著稱。
He is known in the German art scene by the name Friedrich.
例句 3:
Friedrich 是一個傳統的德國名字,象徵著和平與統治。
Friedrich is a traditional German name symbolizing peace and rule.
例句 1:
他的朋友們都叫他 Fritz。
His friends all call him Fritz.
例句 2:
Fritz 是一個可愛的名字,適合小男孩。
Fritz is a cute name for a little boy.
例句 3:
在德國,Fritz 是一個非常普遍的暱稱。
In Germany, Fritz is a very common nickname.
例句 1:
Fred 是我最好的朋友。
Fred is my best friend.
例句 2:
他叫 Fred,總是帶給人們歡笑。
His name is Fred, and he always brings laughter to people.
例句 3:
Fred 是一個簡單而親切的名字。
Fred is a simple and friendly name.