



  1. A famous river in India.
  2. A holy river for many people.
  3. A river that is important for culture.
  4. A river that people visit for religious reasons.
  5. A significant river that flows through northern India.
  6. A sacred river in Hinduism, known for its spiritual significance.
  7. A river that symbolizes purity and is worshiped in Indian culture.
  8. A river that plays a crucial role in the religious and daily lives of millions.
  9. A river that is not only a geographical feature but also a spiritual entity in Hindu belief.
  10. A river revered as a goddess and central to many religious practices in India.




Ganges 是 Ganga 的英文名稱,廣泛使用於國際上。它同樣指的是這條河流及其文化和宗教意義。


例句 1:

Ganges 河是印度最重要的河流之一。

The Ganges River is one of the most important rivers in India.

例句 2:

每年,成千上萬的朝聖者來到 Ganges 河沐浴。

Every year, thousands of pilgrims come to bathe in the Ganges River.

例句 3:

Ganges 河流域的生態系統非常豐富。

The ecosystem of the Ganges River basin is very rich.

2:Sacred River


這個詞通常用來描述在宗教或文化中被視為神聖的河流。Ganga 是印度教徒最神聖的河流,因此常被稱為 Sacred River。


例句 1:

Ganga 被視為印度教的 Sacred River

Ganga is regarded as the sacred river in Hinduism.

例句 2:

許多人相信 Sacred River 的水具有治癒的力量。

Many believe that the water of the sacred river has healing powers.

例句 3:

Sacred River 旁邊舉行的儀式對信徒來說非常重要。

The rituals held beside the sacred river are very important to the devotees.

3:Holy River


Holy River 是指在宗教信仰中被視為神聖的河流,這個詞通常強調了其宗教意義。Ganga 被許多信徒視為 Holy River。


例句 1:

Ganga 是印度的 Holy River,許多信徒會在此沐浴。

Ganga is the holy river of India where many devotees bathe.

例句 2:

Holy River 附近的城市經常舉行宗教慶典。

Religious festivals are often held in cities near the holy river.

例句 3:

Holy River 的水被認為能夠洗淨罪孽。

The water of the holy river is believed to cleanse sins.

4:Ganga River


Ganga River 是 Ganga 的另一種表達方式,強調了其作為河流的特徵。這個名稱在地理和環境研究中常見。


例句 1:

Ganga River 是印度最長的河流之一。

The Ganga River is one of the longest rivers in India.

例句 2:

Ganga River 的流域對當地經濟至關重要。

The basin of the Ganga River is crucial for the local economy.

例句 3:

Ganga River 的水質問題需要受到重視。

The water quality issues of the Ganga River need to be addressed.