例句 1:
Georgina 是我最好的朋友,她總是很有幫助。
Georgina is my best friend; she is always very helpful.
例句 2:
我聽說 Georgina 最近獲得了獎學金。
I heard that Georgina recently received a scholarship.
例句 3:
Georgina 喜歡畫畫,特別是風景畫。
Georgina loves to paint, especially landscapes.
例句 1:
I plan to travel to Georgia to see the scenery there.
例句 2:
Georgia is known for its delicious peaches.
例句 3:
My friend in Georgia invited me to his wedding.
這是一個對 Georgina 的親暱稱呼,常用於朋友或家人之間。
例句 1:
Georgie, come here, we are about to start the party!
例句 2:
我叫她 Georgie,因為這樣聽起來更親切。
I call her Georgie because it sounds more friendly.
例句 3:
Georgie 喜歡和朋友一起去看電影。
Georgie loves to go to the movies with friends.
這是 Georgina 的一個常見縮寫,通常用於比較親密的場合。
例句 1:
Gina 是我最喜歡的堂姐,我們經常一起玩。
Gina is my favorite cousin; we often play together.
例句 2:
我給她發了一條簡訊,告訴 Gina 我會遲到。
I sent Gina a text to tell her I would be late.
例句 3:
Gina 喜歡學習新語言,尤其是西班牙語。
Gina enjoys learning new languages, especially Spanish.