

「Glera」是一種白葡萄品種,主要用於生產意大利的普羅塞克(Prosecco)葡萄酒。這種葡萄的特點是果味清新,酸度適中,通常用於製作氣泡酒。Glera 葡萄的栽培主要集中在意大利的威尼托和弗留利-威尼斯朱利亞地區。


  1. A type of grape used for making a popular sparkling wine.
  2. A grape that is used to create a fizzy drink.
  3. A white grape variety that is known for its refreshing taste.
  4. A grape used mainly in a famous Italian wine.
  5. A specific grape variety that contributes to a well-known sparkling wine from Italy.
  6. A white grape variety primarily associated with the production of Prosecco.
  7. A variety of grape that has gained popularity for its use in making high-quality sparkling wines.
  8. An Italian grape variety renowned for its role in producing a specific type of sparkling wine.
  9. A key grape varietal in the production of Prosecco, characterized by its aromatic profile and crisp acidity.
  10. A grape used in making a renowned Italian sparkling wine, known for its vibrant flavor and refreshing qualities.


1:Prosecco grape


Glera 葡萄最著名的用途是生產普羅塞克,這是一種意大利的氣泡酒。這種葡萄的特性使得普羅塞克擁有清新、果香濃郁的口感,深受消費者喜愛。普羅塞克通常用於慶祝場合,或是搭配輕食和開胃菜。


例句 1:

這瓶普羅塞克是用 Glera 葡萄釀造的。

This bottle of Prosecco is made from Glera grapes.

例句 2:

Glera 葡萄的清新口感使普羅塞克成為夏季的理想選擇。

The refreshing taste of Glera grapes makes Prosecco an ideal choice for summer.

例句 3:

這款普羅塞克的香氣來自於 Glera 葡萄的獨特特性。

The aroma of this Prosecco comes from the unique characteristics of Glera grapes.

2:White grape


Glera 葡萄是一種白葡萄,與其他白葡萄品種相比,具有特別的果香和清新的酸度。這使得它在釀酒中非常受歡迎,尤其是在製作氣泡酒時。這類葡萄通常在陽光充足的地區種植,以促進成熟和風味的發展。


例句 1:


This white grape is suitable for producing various types of wines.

例句 2:

Glera 是一種特別適合用於氣泡酒的白葡萄。

Glera is a white grape particularly suited for sparkling wine.

例句 3:


Many white grape varieties have unique flavors and aromas.

3:Italian grape


Glera 葡萄是意大利的特產,代表了該國在葡萄酒生產上的優勢。意大利的葡萄酒文化深厚,而 Glera 葡萄的使用則體現了這一傳統的延續。這種葡萄的栽培和釀造技術,往往與當地的氣候和土壤條件密切相關。


例句 1:


This Italian grape is known for its refreshing flavor.

例句 2:

Glera 是意大利著名的葡萄品種之一。

Glera is one of the famous grape varieties from Italy.

例句 3:

意大利的氣候非常適合 Glera 葡萄的生長。

The climate in Italy is very suitable for the growth of Glera grapes.

4:Sparkling wine grape


Glera 葡萄因其適合釀造氣泡酒而受到推崇。這種葡萄的酸度和果香使得它在氣泡酒中表現出色,並且能夠與其他品種混合使用,創造出不同風味的酒款。


例句 1:

這種氣泡酒是由 Glera 葡萄釀造而成的。

This sparkling wine is made from Glera grapes.

例句 2:

Glera 葡萄的特性使其成為氣泡酒釀造的理想選擇。

The characteristics of Glera grapes make them an ideal choice for sparkling wine production.

例句 3:

許多氣泡酒都是使用 Glera 葡萄釀造的。

Many sparkling wines are produced using Glera grapes.