

「Imagist」這個詞通常指的是一種詩歌運動,強調使用清晰的意象和簡潔的語言來表達情感和思想。Imagism 的主要特點是重視具體的圖像而非抽象的概念,並且通常使用自由詩的形式。這種運動在20世紀初期興起,受到日本俳句的影響,並且對後來的現代詩歌產生了深遠的影響。


  1. A style of poetry that uses clear images.
  2. A movement in poetry focusing on strong visual images.
  3. A poetic approach that emphasizes vivid descriptions.
  4. A form of poetry that aims for clarity and precision in imagery.
  5. A literary movement that seeks to create strong visual impressions.
  6. A school of poetry that prioritizes concrete imagery over abstract ideas.
  7. A poetic style that values specific images to convey emotions.
  8. An artistic approach in poetry that emphasizes visual clarity and brevity.
  9. A movement that advocates for the use of sharp, clear imagery in poetic expression.
  10. A tradition in poetry that focuses on precise and vivid imagery to evoke feelings.




這是一個詩歌運動,強調清晰的意象和簡潔的表達。Imagism 旨在通過具體的圖像來傳達情感和思想,並且常常使用自由詩的形式。這種運動的代表詩人包括艾茵·西利(Ezra Pound)和H.D.(Hilda Doolittle)。Imagism 受到日本俳句的啟發,並且對20世紀的現代詩歌產生了重要影響。


例句 1:

Imagism 強調使用具體的意象來表達情感。

Imagism emphasizes the use of concrete images to express emotions.

例句 2:

這位詩人的作品深受 Imagism 運動的影響。

The poet's work is heavily influenced by the Imagism movement.

例句 3:

Imagism 的核心理念是清晰和簡潔。

The core idea of Imagism is clarity and brevity.

2:Imagist poetry


這種詩歌風格通常包含強烈的視覺意象,並且使用簡單而直接的語言。Imagist poetry 通常避免使用抽象的語言,專注於具體的描述和感官的體驗。這種風格的詩歌常常讓讀者能夠清晰地想像出詩中描繪的場景或感受。


例句 1:

她的詩作被認為是典型的 Imagist poetry。

Her poems are considered typical examples of Imagist poetry.

例句 2:

Imagist poetry 通常使用簡潔的語言來創造強烈的意象。

Imagist poetry often uses concise language to create strong imagery.

例句 3:

這首詩的風格明顯受到 Imagist poetry 的影響。

The style of this poem is clearly influenced by Imagist poetry.