例句 1:
Jonathan 是我們新來的同事。
Jonathan is our new colleague.
例句 2:
在聖經中,Jonathan 是大衛的好朋友。
In the Bible, Jonathan was a good friend of David.
例句 3:
Jonathan 的生日派對非常熱鬧。
Jonathan's birthday party was very lively.
例句 1:
Jon 是個很幽默的人。
Jon is a very funny person.
例句 2:
我和 Jon 一起去看電影。
I went to the movies with Jon.
例句 3:
Jon 喜歡打籃球。
Jon loves playing basketball.
例句 1:
Jonny 是我最好的朋友。
Jonny is my best friend.
例句 2:
我常常叫他 Jonny,而不是 Jonathan。
I often call him Jonny instead of Jonathan.
例句 3:
Jonny 的家裡有一隻可愛的小狗。
Jonny has a cute little dog at home.
例句 1:
Jono 喜歡衝浪。
Jono loves surfing.
例句 2:
我昨天遇到了 Jono,他最近過得不錯。
I ran into Jono yesterday, and he's been doing well lately.
例句 3:
Jono 的派對總是很有趣。
Jono's parties are always fun.