例句 1:
Carole 是我最好的朋友,她非常熱愛音樂。
Carole is my best friend, and she loves music very much.
例句 2:
我們在聖誕節時唱了許多 Carole 的歌曲。
We sang many carols during Christmas.
例句 3:
Carole 的生日派對充滿了歡樂的氣氛。
Carole's birthday party was filled with a joyful atmosphere.
例句 1:
Carolina 是一位優秀的運動員,總是努力不懈。
Carolina is an excellent athlete who always works hard.
例句 2:
She has done a lot of volunteer work in the community and is loved by everyone.
例句 3:
Carolina 的名字在她的家族中代代相傳。
The name Carolina has been passed down through generations in her family.
例句 1:
Kara 總是帶著微笑,讓周圍的人感到開心。
Kara always has a smile on her face, making those around her happy.
例句 2:
她的朋友們都喜歡和 Kara 一起度過時光。
Her friends love spending time with Kara.
例句 3:
Kara 在學校裡是一位受歡迎的學生。
Kara is a popular student at school.
例句 1:
Carly 的笑容總是讓人感到溫暖。
Carly's smile always makes people feel warm.
例句 2:
She is a very creative artist, and her work is outstanding.
例句 3:
Carly 喜歡參加各種社交活動,結交新朋友。
Carly enjoys attending various social events to make new friends.