例句 1:
The Eastern Mediterranean region's culture is a blend of various traditions.
例句 2:
We plan to travel to the Eastern Mediterranean to explore the local history.
例句 3:
This dish is a classic from the Eastern Mediterranean.
例句 1:
Levant 地區的歷史非常悠久。
The history of the Levant region is very ancient.
例句 2:
她對 Levant 的文化有著濃厚的興趣。
She has a strong interest in the culture of the Levant.
例句 3:
Levant 的音樂風格多樣而富有魅力。
The music styles of the Levant are diverse and captivating.
指的是來自 Levant 地區的文化,包括飲食、藝術、音樂和習俗。這種文化受到多種民族和歷史事件的影響。
例句 1:
Levantine 文化以其豐富的飲食而聞名。
Levantine culture is known for its rich cuisine.
例句 2:
他們的節慶反映了 Levantine 文化的多樣性。
Their celebrations reflect the diversity of Levantine culture.
例句 3:
Levantine 文化深受歷史和地理的影響。
Levantine culture is deeply influenced by history and geography.
這是指來自 Levant 地區的食物和烹飪風格,以其新鮮的食材和獨特的調味著稱。
例句 1:
我喜歡 Levantine 料理,尤其是鷹嘴豆泥和烤肉。
I love Levantine cuisine, especially hummus and grilled meats.
例句 2:
這家餐廳專門提供正宗的 Levantine 美食。
This restaurant specializes in authentic Levantine dishes.
例句 3:
Levante 料理的香料使用非常講究。
The spice usage in Levantine cuisine is very meticulous.