「荔枝」是一種熱帶水果,外形圓形,表面有紅色或粉紅色的粗糙外皮,果肉白色多汁,味道甜美,通常在夏季成熟。它的學名為 Litchi chinensis,原產於中國南部,廣泛種植於亞洲其他地區,如泰國、越南和印度。荔枝富含維生素 C 和抗氧化劑,對健康有益。
例句 1:
My favorite fruit is litchi because it's very sweet.
例句 2:
In summer, we often buy fresh litchis to eat.
例句 3:
Litchi holds significant importance in Chinese culture.
這是荔枝的另一種拼寫方式,通常在英語中使用。它與 litchi 指的是同一種水果,並且在許多菜單或食品標籤上可以看到。這個詞源自於廣東話,廣泛使用於國際市場。
例句 1:
Lychee 是我在旅行中嘗過的最美味的水果之一。
Lychee is one of the most delicious fruits I've tasted during my travels.
例句 2:
這道甜點裡有新鮮的 lychee,味道非常獨特。
This dessert has fresh lychee in it, and the flavor is very unique.
例句 3:
我在市場上找到了新鮮的 lychee,真是太開心了。
I found fresh lychee at the market, and I was so happy.
例句 1:
Chinese lychee 是夏天最受歡迎的水果之一。
Chinese lychee is one of the most popular fruits in summer.
例句 2:
我從市場買了幾顆 Chinese lychee,準備做甜品。
I bought some Chinese lychee from the market to make a dessert.
例句 3:
這款飲料使用了新鮮的 Chinese lychee,味道非常好。
This drink uses fresh Chinese lychee, and it tastes amazing.
例句 1:
在某些地方,荔枝被稱為 Dragon's Eye。
In some places, litchi is referred to as Dragon's Eye.
例句 2:
這道菜中加入了 Dragon's Eye,讓味道更加豐富。
The dish includes Dragon's Eye, which enriches the flavor.
例句 3:
我從小就聽說過 Dragon's Eye,現在終於有機會品嘗了。
I've heard about Dragon's Eye since I was a child, and now I finally have the chance to taste it.