例句 1:
Luis 是我最好的朋友,我們從小一起長大。
Luis is my best friend, and we grew up together.
例句 2:
在足球界,有很多著名的球員叫 Luis。
There are many famous players in football named Luis.
例句 3:
Luis 的家族在這個城市已經生活了幾代人。
Luis's family has lived in this city for several generations.
例句 1:
Louis 是法國歷史上許多國王的名字。
Louis is the name of many kings in French history.
例句 2:
我在法國遇到了一位名叫 Louis 的友善小伙子。
I met a friendly guy named Louis in France.
例句 3:
這部電影的主角名叫 Louis,是一位勇敢的探險家。
The main character of the movie is named Louis, a brave explorer.
例句 1:
Luís 是一位出色的音樂家,擁有很多粉絲。
Luís is an outstanding musician with many fans.
例句 2:
在巴西,Luís 是一個非常受歡迎的名字。
In Brazil, Luís is a very popular name.
例句 3:
我在一次音樂會上遇到了名叫 Luís 的吉他手。
I met a guitarist named Luís at a concert.
例句 1:
在某些文化中,Lui 是一個常見的名字。
In some cultures, Lui is a common name.
例句 2:
Lui 是一位著名的藝術家,作品在國際上受到認可。
Lui is a renowned artist whose work is recognized internationally.
例句 3:
我在旅行中遇到了一位名叫 Lui 的當地人。
I met a local named Lui during my travels.