例句 1:
Mencius 強調人性本善的觀點。
Mencius emphasized the view that human nature is inherently good.
例句 2:
許多學者研究 Mencius 的思想對中國文化的影響。
Many scholars study Mencius' thoughts on the influence of Chinese culture.
例句 3:
Mencius 的教導在儒家學派中佔有重要地位。
Mencius' teachings hold a significant position in the Confucian school.
例句 1:
Mengzi 的哲學思想在中國歷史上影響深遠。
Mengzi's philosophical thoughts have had a profound influence on Chinese history.
例句 2:
在學習儒家思想時,Mengzi 的作品是必讀的。
When studying Confucian thought, Mengzi's works are essential reading.
例句 3:
Mengzi 提出的仁義理念至今仍然被廣泛討論。
The concepts of benevolence and righteousness proposed by Mengzi are still widely discussed today.
例句 1:
作為一位 Confucian philosopher,孟子重視道德教育。
As a Confucian philosopher, Mengzi valued moral education.
例句 2:
許多 Confucian philosophers 都受到孟子的啟發。
Many Confucian philosophers were inspired by Mengzi.
例句 3:
Confucian philosophers 的討論中,孟子經常被提到。
In discussions of Confucian philosophers, Mengzi is often mentioned.
例句 1:
作為一位 ancient thinker,孟子的觀點至今仍然影響著人們的思考。
As an ancient thinker, Mengzi's views still influence people's thoughts today.
例句 2:
許多 ancient thinkers 都探討了人性的本質,孟子是其中之一。
Many ancient thinkers explored the nature of humanity, and Mengzi is one of them.
例句 3:
這本書介紹了幾位重要的 ancient thinkers,包括孟子。
This book introduces several important ancient thinkers, including Mengzi.